Benefits Of Organic Tea


Benefits Of Organic Tea

1. Be Toxin Free

Organic tea will ensure you don’t

build up toxins within your system, increasing your immunity. going organic is a safer option. This means that there is no risk of drinking pesticide residues with your refreshing cuppa.

2. Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

Tea helps to restore the balance of bacteria in your gut and improve gut function. However, some experts emphasize the importance of going organic, to ensure that you ensure your tea is ‘clean’ and not contaminated by heavy metals or toxic soil conditions. Search instead for a high-quality tea by looking for the organic logo.

3. Boost Your Antioxidant Intake.

These help to keep you healthy by combating the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants help to protect your heart, reduce infections, and may even prevent cancer.

Research also shows that antioxidants may protect against age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. They also slow down the aging process, increasing longevity. Antioxidants improve skin texture, and will also protect you against

4. Keep It Lean

If you’re trying to stay slim, a steaming cup of organic tea is the perfect choice for you.  Taken without milk or sugar, tea is calorie-free. Drinking organic tea will keep you slim and well hydrated.

Brew up a pot of hot tea for chilly evenings, or keep it cool for warm summer days. With a wide variety of flavors to choose from you won’t need to add sugar. To keep it calorie-free, serve your tea with a slice of lemon, or add cinnamon and peppery cloves to create a spicy chai. You could also go for a fresh peppermint as an after-dinner treat

5. Soothe Yourself

Theanine, found in tea, helps to soothe your mind and keep you relaxed and calm. Where the caffeine in coffee may make you feel nervous or shaky, theanine helps to soothe the nervous system, which makes it a helpful drink for people suffering from anxiety.

Theanine not only has soothing properties, however, but it also promotes cognitive alertness. Improving memory and concentration. At the same time, theanine is known to assist with sleep quality.  This is very helpful for people who have anxiety.  Just a couple of cups of tea a day can help to promote this soothing effect.

 6. Stay Strong

Although tea is mostly water, it contains vitamins and minerals which help to build up your strength. Vitamin H (or biotin) helps the metabolism. Biotin keeps the hair and skin healthy and promotes a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin D found in tea strengthens bones and teeth and reduces depression. Vitamin D reduces the risk of infectious diseases such as flu and reduces the risk of diabetes.  People with depression or fibromyalgia often benefit from Vitamin D. A couple of cups of organic tea a day will help you with your daily requirements.

7. Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable

Cinnamon tea assists the body by controlling appetite, which regulates blood sugar and weight. Hibiscus tea can lower both blood sugar and cholesterol. Sage tea regulates blood sugar both during times of fasting and after eating a meal high in carbohydrates.  This helps to stabilize mood, decrease stress, and curb hunger while protecting drinkers from the risk of diabetes.
